Prof. Dr. Amelie Wuppermann

Prof. Dr. Amelie Wuppermann
Prof. Dr. Amelie Wuppermann
room 227
Große Steinstraße 73
06108 Halle (Saale)
phone: +49 - 345 - 55 23325
- Termin nach vorheriger Vereinbarung - / - Appointment by prior arrangement -
Research Focus Areas
- Applied Statistics and Econometrics
- Empirical Health Economics
Selected Publications
Heiss, F., D. McFadden, J. Winter, A. Wuppermann und B. Zhou (2021) "Inattention and Switching Costs as Sources of Inertia in Medicare Part D" American Economic Review, 11 (9), 2737-81
Schwandt, H., J. Currie et al. (2021) "Mortality among Black and White Americans by Age and Area-Level Socioeconomic Status and Relative to European Mortality, 1990–2018", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 118 (40), e2104684118
Marcus, J., S. Reif, A. Wuppermann und A. Rouche (2020) "Increased instruction time and stress-related health problems among school children", Journal of Health Economics, 70, 102256
Reif, S., S. Wichert und A. Wuppermann (2018) "Is it good to be too light? Birth weight thresholds in hospital reimbursement systems", Journal of Health Economics, 59, 1-25
Bauhoff, S., L. Fischer, D. Göpffhart und A. Wuppermann (2017) "Plan Responses to Diagnosis' Based Payment: Evidence from Germany's Morbidity-Based Risk Adjustment", Journal of Health Economics, 56, 397-413
Hörl, M., S.H. Barcellos, S. Bauhoff, K.H. Carman, J.K. Winter und A. Wuppermann (2017) "Knowledge as a predictor of insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act, Medical Care, 55 (4), 428-435
Farbmacher, H., P. Ihle, I. Schubert, J. Winter und A. Wuppermann (2017) "Heterogeneous effects of a nonlinear price schedule for outpatient care", Health Economics, 26 (10), 1234-1248
Wuppermann, A. (2017) "Private information in life insurance, annuity and health insurance markets", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119 (4), 855-881
Schwandt, H. und A. Wuppermann (2016) "The Youngest Get the Pill: ADHD Misdiagnosis in Germany, its regional correlates and international comparison", Labour Economics, 43, 72-86
Fahn, M., R. Rees und A. Wuppermann (2016) "Relational Contracts for Household Formation, Fertility Choice and Separation", Journal of Population Economics, 29(2), 421-455
- Mikroökonomik II (Winter Semester)
- Public Economics (Winter Semester)
- Empirische Wirtschaftspolitik (Summer Semester)
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Summer Semester)
- Bachelor Seminar
- Econometrics I (Winter Semester)
- Advanced Microeconomics (Winter Semester)
- Health Economics (Summer Semester)
- Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Summer Semester)
- Master Seminar
Curriculum Vitae
CV Amelie Wuppermann (English)
(117.6 KB) vom 06.12.2023